Reunion 2017 Reminder!

Classes of 2002, 2007, 2012- This is your Reunion year! We'll be celebrating you on October 27-28, so make your way back to St. Andrew's to see the campus, catch up with faculty and classmates, and enjoy the festivities! There's more information coming your way, so be sure to check your email next week!
Open Classes, Chapel and a home Football game!
Matinee showing of Catch Me if You Can (tickets available for free upon RSVP), 2PM
Class Specific Dinners
2002- Catered Dinner Picnic on the Nazro Green (family friendly!), 6PM
2007- Dinner at the Grove, 6PM
2012- Dinner at Boiler Nine, 6PM
To RSVP, hit "attending" on the Paperless Post invite you received, or send an email to 