TED Talk's Sheryl Winarick Visits Middle School

Sheryl Winarick—a U.S. immigration lawyer who has given TED Talks across the country—spoke to Middle School students this month about immigration and current events as part of the students’ history series “Connecting the Past to the Present.” Adora Gao ‘22, president of the student organization Prejudice Awareness Peer Leadership Organization (PAPLO), shared her insights about Ms. Winarick’s visit.
Adora says, “To have Ms. Winarick come and talk to us about the importance of immigration and the reason why many immigrants come to the United States helped me and many other students understand immigration with a new perspective.”

“Though her talk was a short 45 minutes, I learned many things in that period of time. One important message I learned from her talk was that immigrants all have reasons to emigrate. Some come for opportunity, refuge, or love. As an immigrant myself, I thought about my parents' reasons to immigrate and how grateful I am to live in the United States.”

Sheryl is preparing to go on a driving journey across Eastern European countries to bring awareness to migration (her preferred terminology) and refugees.  She is traveling with an artist, and they will keep a website chronicling their travels (https://www.artofmigration.com/ not yet live).