Class of 2028: Instruments of Peace

This year's school wide chapel theme was Instruments of Peace, based on the Prayer of St. Francis.
In his remarks about the Class of 2028 during their commencement ceremony, Head of Middle School, Tim Moore, spoke about the many ways this class in particular have been instruments of peace during their time at the Middle School. "But what does being an instrument of peace really even mean? To me, it means your presence and your actions bring others comfort and support when they may be feeling alone, or joy and hope when they are feeling down, or just the simple act of lending a helping hand when one is needed." he said, before going on to give examples of the many ways students in the 8th grade class have continuously done these things. And though there wasn't time to mention all 80 members of the class, he concluded by noting that they, collectively, have accumulated 907 Act of Kindness notes from middle school faculty over the past three years showing just how naturally being instruments of peace comes to them. 

The ceremony continued with the presentation of the Commencement Awards followed by certificates to each student. Before the newly graduated 8th graders processed out of gym to await proud families and friends, pose for photos and celebrate with classmates, the ceremony concluded with a six minute video created by 8th grader Payton Johl to honor the Class of 2028.

Congratulations to Class of 2028 on all your hard work and reaching this milestone. You all exemplify the Four Pillars of St. Andrew's - Scholars, Artists, Athletes and Servants, and we look forward to watching you continue your journey into high school.

Commencement Award Recipients

The Adrienne Grooms Medal
Recipients: Anna Jane Frost and Holly Quinn Hornaday 
The faculty’s collective choice for that eighth grade student who seems to most completely represent what St. Andrew’s Middle School is all about, a student who embodies and exemplifies the four pillars of scholar, artist, athlete, and servant. This award is given in honor and memory of Adrienne Grooms who was the first math teacher in the middle school. 

The Bill Costas Medal
Recipients: Amelia Brandon and Hayes Paddock
This is the “E for Effort” award, one given to a student who works diligently at his or her responsibilities, who keeps the faith, and demonstrates good cheer about any task or challenge. This student consistently demonstrates hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. The award is given in honor and memory of Bill Costas, a former math teacher, who emphasized a positive work ethic to his students. 

The Faculty Medal
Recipients: Miguel Angel Fernandez Rosas and Emma Arzegar
The Faculty Award is presented annually to an eighth grade student who, from the beginning of their Middle School experience to the end, has shown significant growth and maturity, both academically and socially. 
This person demonstrates perseverance and does not make excuses. They learn from their mistakes and show a willingness to improve on them. They get out of their comfort zone. They are mindful of their interpersonal skills and have worked on their relationships with teachers and peers. 