As a premier independent school in Central Texas, St. Andrew’s is committed to using its position and resources to identify, professionally develop, and inspire young teachers from underrepresented communities without prior experience in independent schools. 
Mission Statement:

St. Andrew’s Teaching Fellows Program seeks to identify and cultivate early career educators via intentional professional development experiences paired with practical co-teaching and teaching opportunities in an independent school setting.

What You Need To Know

List of 3 items.


    The St. Andrew’s Teaching Fellows Program is a one-year teaching experience that places teaching fellows in classrooms, ranging from kindergarten to grade twelve. In addition to teaching with their mentor teachers, the teaching fellows are able to gain a well-rounded experience through participating in family-teacher conferences, classroom observations, field experiences, and professional development opportunities. In every way, teaching fellows are considered an integral part of the faculty of St. Andrew’s School and are expected to participate fully in the life of the school and after-school program.

    Teaching Fellows would have official responsibilities each day generally from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm five days per week, and a seminar once per month during the academic year from early August through early June. Standard duties would include partnership and collaboration with the mentor teacher, grade-level specific teaching and observational tasks, student support and supervision, and professional development opportunities. St. Andrew’s Teaching Fellows are appointed to a one-year position. In some circumstances, a fellow may be offered a teaching contract or given the opportunity to apply for subsequent years depending on the availability of positions suitable to that candidate’s skill sets, interests, and aptitudes.

    • A recent BA or equivalent, with an emphasis on education, child psychology, liberal arts, or STEM fields.
    • A keen interest in social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion
    • An interest in working with students as well as learning about how to work with students in grades K-12.
    • Prior substantive experience working with students in a volunteer or paid capacity, such as summer camp, Head Start program, child-care program, scout leadership, Teach for America, BreakThrough, etc.
Questions about the Teaching Fellows Program?
We are glad you are interested in the St. Andrew's Teaching Fellows Program. If you have any questions, please email:

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Gustavo Garza

    Gustavo Garza 

    US History Teacher & Co-Coordinator of Teaching Fellows
  • Photo of Carla Childs

    Carla Childs 

    Lower School Counselor/Co-Coordinator of Teaching Fellows